God Drawing Noahs Ark Plans

How would your child draw Noah's Ark?

(two complimentary Noah'south Ark colouring-in pages included)

By Phil Robinson

An unbiblical cartoonified drawing of Noah's Ark which should non exist used

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions in my native Northern Republic of ireland, all children are conducting their schoolhouse work from dwelling house. My wife and I recently received some schoolhouse homework for our daughter which included a color-in Noah'due south Ark worksheet. While we profoundly appreciate the Christian teaching and ethos at our children's schoolhouse, unfortunately it was a colour-in bathtub Ark that had been sent home. I have written before on the cartoonification of Noah'due south Ark and the implications for how such 'delightful depictions' drastically downplay the Flood as a real upshot in biblical history.

Trying to observe a biblical Ark

In order to ensure that my daughter was colouring in a biblically faithful prototype of the Ark, I quickly took to epitome-searching on the web to attempt and find one; that is, a line drawing for colouring in. Using a diversity of search engines, I tried keyword terms like, 'Biblical Ark colouring in', 'Colour in Noah'due south Ark' so on. I was unable to find a single colour-in Noah's Ark that matched the description in Genesis six:15, either in scale or shape—in other words, something like this:

Model of the Ark by Rod Walsh.

Rather, numerous cutesy and unbiblical bathtub arks showed upward, which would not suffice. Due to the problem I was having, I asked a talented local Christian artist to depict 2 color-in images of Noah's Ark, enabling my daughter to practice her school homework properly.

My plan was also that parents, teachers, pastors, and others could easily access and apply them, ensuring that many other children would exist able to see the true shape and scale of the biblical Ark. The finished products are at the foot of the commodity, available for y'all to download.

However, the problem of people encountering unbiblical bathtub Arks is worse than this one incident might propose.

What Ark would your child draw?

A number of years agone I was asked to accept a children's teaching session which included Noah'due south Ark. It was intermingled with teaching, and hands-on experiments. The very first chore was for the kids to draw Noah'south Ark; they were given no other instruction or prompting. All of the children, to my knowledge, were from a church background. I was presented with a wide range of shapes and sizes of Ark when they had finished their drawings. The majority had drawn small bathtub-style Arks.

Next, I asked the ones who had fatigued a bathtub Ark where they had got the idea for their image. The responses were mostly: from a book, a toy, the net, TV, and Sunday Schoolhouse. Then I asked the children who had drawn an Ark that more than closely compared to proportions of the biblical Ark where their idea had come from. All resolutely answered: the Bible!

A sample of Noah's Ark cartoon from the instruction sessions

I take had the opportunity to conduct this session on a further three occasions. From my limited sample and results, information technology is very articulate to me that images of bathtub Arks take had a wide societal bear upon on children's minds. Even within our churches, far as well many are clueless as to the real size and shape of Noah's Ark.1

When my family unit has been given children's books with bathtub Arks in them we brand sure we utilize them as a teaching point, explaining what Noah'due south Ark was really similar. When they have asked further questions about Noah's Ark—such every bit: Were dinosaurs on the Ark? How did all the different kinds fit on? How were they able to store all their food?—it is the biblically-inspired image that they have in heed, and which we refer to when answering. This actually makes the answers much more realistic and easier to give. There is no trying to squeeze elephants or dinosaurs in through the door of a tiny Ark. Or big cats resting precariously on the border of the deck, set to be done overboard due to the side by side big wave as there is no room downwards beneath! Rather they have in mind a huge vessel, more than able to carry all of the animals and food required for their time on board.

Suggested task—Why not endeavor the 'Cartoon Noah's Ark' practice with your own kids, Sunday School, or youth group; encounter what result y'all go, and use it as a fun teaching session! (Feel costless to permit me know the results by sending me an e-mail at CMI's contacts page).

The importance of truthful biblical imagery

In CMI, we believe passionately that biblical history is true. And what is described by God in His word is vitally important. He has carefully ensured that what He wants the states to know about the by is recorded for our pedagogy (Romans 15:4). This includes the full dimensions and shape of Noah's Ark in Genesis 6 (see box below). Why, then, would any Christian want to distort the size and shape of Noah'due south Ark?

It was very of import for the parents, pastors, and Sunday school teachers who were present at my teaching sessions to witness kickoff-hand how the worldly influences around children can conspicuously bear upon them, and damage their understanding of what the Bible really teaches; a bath-tub Ark conveys a fairy tale, not a existent historical event. Scripture does not portray the Ark as a cute story, but equally a tragic episode of God'southward judgment "when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly" (2 Peter 2:five).

As anyone can clearly see from the free colouring-in images (below) there is no need to cartoonify Noah's Ark in order to make information technology more highly-seasoned for children. The reality is, doing so will leave a very unbiblical impression in a kid's mind. They may never have an opportunity to correct that image of Noah'due south Ark in the future. And when they are older they may well relegate it, and the residual of the Bible's history, to the realm of fiction.

The account of Noah'southward Ark and the Flood is both a reminder that God judges sin, and that He provides a style of escape. The Ark was God'south provision to save Noah's family (and representatives of all the state animal kinds) from the judgment of the Flood. So also, God sent Christ Jesus as the Saviour from sin and the judgment to come (John 5:24). Jesus used the judgment at the time of the Flood as a direct comparison to the future judgment (Matthew 24:38-39). This is a gospel event! That being the instance, which enduring image would any evangelical Christian want a kid to take: a cartoonified bathtub image, or artistry of Noah's Ark that's consequent with the Biblical text?

Beingness diligent as a parent

When the nation of State of israel was given the commandments of God's Law, they were instructed to "teach them diligently to your children" (Deuteronomy vi:7). The same principle behind this command still stands, that parents should diligently (i.e. an active personal responsibility) teach their children what is in the Bible.

Although Bishop J.C. Ryle wrote the following words in 1888, they are withal incredibly poignant today:

"Train your children with this thought continually before your eyes – that the soul of your kid is the first thing to exist considered… . Precious, no doubt, are these niggling ones in your optics; just if y'all truly love them, so think frequently about their souls. Zip should business organisation you as greatly every bit their eternal destiny… . This is the thought that should be uppermost on your mind in all that yous exercise for your children. In every step you accept about them, in every plan, and scheme, and arrangement that concerns them, do not leave out that mighty question, 'How will this impact their souls?'… A true Christian must non be a slave to what's currently in fashion, if he wants to train his kid for heaven. He must not be content to teach them and instruct them in certain ways, just because information technology is customary, or to permit them to read books of a questionable sort, simply because everybody reads them".two

Trying to communicate to children what is in the Bible should not include things which might stumble them. I believe that includes using silly, unrealistic pictures of Noah'due south Ark (or for that matter, any other object conspicuously described in Scripture), just because they are the fashion of the day. To teach in this manner is only to shoot oneself in the human foot, and volition pb to having to re-teach the topic properly in the future. And and then, of class, the next obvious question from the children might exist, "What else did y'all teach me that was wrong?" Rather, always starting with accurate biblical imagery is an effective means of reaching children in our highly evolutionized world, one which badly needs truthful, biblical historical teaching, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I'll let the Apostle John accept the final give-and-take: "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth!" (3 John 1:4)

The size and shape of the Biblical Noah'southward Ark

Genesis Chapter 6 very clearly sets out the dimensions, purpose and shape of Noah's Ark. God ordered Noah to construct information technology equally follows: 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high, with 3 levels, and a door on its side. All the different kinds of country animals and birds that were to come to Noah would find safe on board, forth with his family. Outside, God'south judgment came upon the earth in the class of a year-long, worldwide flood. Even using the smaller mutual cubit, of approx. 46 cm (xviii in), Noah's Ark would have been a massive vessel: 137 1000 long × 23 grand wide × 13.7 yard high (450 × 75 × 45 ft)—more than acceptable for its job.

The Hebrew word used for the Ark of Noah (which simply had to float, not travel similar a ship) is tebah (תבה) meaning box-shaped or chest. It is not the usual Hebrew term used for boat or ship, eastward.chiliad. 'onîah (אניה) in Proverbs 30:xix, or tsî (צי) in Isaiah 33:21. Its Hebrew synonym is 'arôn (ארון), used for the Ark of the Covenant, some other box-shaped detail or chest, emphasizing the shape of Noah's Ark. Both words are translated every bit kibōtos (κιβωτός) in the Greek of the Septuagint, and also the New Testament, showing they take an overlapping semantic range. And the NT never uses kibōtos for ship or gunkhole.

Please relish these complimentary colouring-in pictures of Noah's Ark.


Yous can download in pdf format equally well (in ESV or KJV).

References and notes

  1. Of form my experience of this topic is much wider than these interactions on the educational sessions. I have listened to many testimonies of Christians whose young minds were tarnished by bathtub Arks. As I was writing this commodity I discussed it with a shut friend who shared how he had grown up with a bathtub Ark image of Noah's Ark, due to a book given to him in the early 1980's. Render to text.
  2. Ryle, J.C., The duties of parents, WM Hunt & Co., p. half dozen, 1888. Render to text.


Source: https://creation.com/noahs-ark-colour-in

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